Saturday, October 21, 2006

Saturday 21st Oct 07:30 hrs.

I have been up for hours and feel like I've acheived nothing. It really has been a funny morning so far - I didn't get the chance to do anything towards my next painting - it's been e-mail after e-mail after e-mail (and now this cumbersome blog - I know I'll get used to it!)

I have a dear friend who I collaborate with - in fact I use a great deal of his work as source material for my paintings - his name is Gabriele Rigon and as far as I'm concerned - no other photographer in the world can consistently produce such stunning and beautiful work as Gabriele...

..we not only help each other out artwise but we try to look out for each other commercially as well.

I have been speaking to a publisher in the south of England who has printed some of Gabriele's work on box canvas with a view to selling the prints through some of his galleries - I have to quote from an e-mail I just had from him...

" fact one gallery has asked me to collect some SOR stock, they were reported to the police for putting them in the window, bit drastic I know but some people have a problem with a beautiful lady showing off her body..."'s a funny world.

I am starting some new work today, as I mention in my biography, when I'm mixing my paints up the whole studio starts to look like a chemistry lab - I'm just about to do just that- better hide my laptop...

..more later


Blogger kim said...

Oh my word.

I want a bigger photo/gpimpse of the chemistry thang! That is amazing! One can tell my painting preference is finger paints. Well, and I have played with acrylics. Played is the key word.

No day goes the way it's planned and when it does it goes so fast you wonder where it went!


7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mark, I've just popped over from wc - a new fan I tell you!!! - I noted you do contour markings on the girls faces and seeing the progression of your work - and now your meticulous shading system - I am getting the idea of how you achieve those results -are you painting in acrylics? My big question I'm asking myself is how do you get the contour lines? you are absolutely awesome and inspirational - absolutely love you letting your daughter paint a bit of the veil -

10:26 PM  

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