Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wednesday 1st November 08:00

Morning all...

..I started work at around 05:00 this morning - only to find I had about 800 un-deliverable e-mails purporting to be sent from a "deborah" from "C21-Design" (the name of my old design company) - does this ever happen to you?

Once I'd waded through that lot I began to paint some more of "The Veil" - we'll get there!

Today Susie and I are working on the school project. We have to number up 3600 squares, the numbers represent the shades of paint that the school children have to paint. How mind numbingly boring that might be - I have no idea, but I will let you know...

..anyway the school run calls - back soon!


Blogger kim said...

I see how this could/would numb ones mind.

I am awed by the entirety of this project. I did not know how to visualize this, thus I write, and I am stunned.

How the hell can one figure this all out?

Lucky kids!

Where were you when I was in elementary school?

Impressive and exciting. (Not the numbering, the overall event.)

Take care,


5:31 PM  

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