Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wednesday 1st November 16:45


..this is how most of the day went. I called out the numbers and Susie wrote them on the canvas. I had however forgetten to tell anyone (including myself) that I had upped the resolution. There were not the 3600 numbers that I had imagined - there were 5776!!!!

Imagine saying the numbers one to twelve that many times...the sounds become meaningless the figures that Susie was writing became meaningless - it really was the most mind-numbingly-boring thing I have ever done in my life...

..some people have coffee mornings - but I started to gigle as it sounded like we were having a "pi" morning - repeating the digits of pi for the fun of it!

..the best thing is it's done!

I now have to paint out 3000-4000 of the squares and leave enough for the children of the school to finish. That part will be the easy part!

Not much else to say really - apart from deborah at c21-design has sent me another 500 or 600 spam mails throughout the day - It wouldn't be so bad if i was interested in the share prices of "Toss-pot inc."

Design morning ahead and then some painting...

Have fun!


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